No Strings Attached 4

Runs: May 1st - 31st
Cost: Free
Start:  Filthy Things
Length: 48 stores

Group: \\No Strings Attached//
Paste the Group Joiner Slurl into local chat to recieve an invite to the free group.

Today I'm gonna show you the prizes from No Strings Attached 4, this is a doll hunt on the theme of flowers and flutters. I was looking forward to this hunt from the moment I saw the hunt poster, it is so my kind of thing; and I wasn't disappointed, there are some beautiful items in this hunt.

The official blog has a list of shops and hints, there is also a notecard in the group notices which gives SLurls and at the time I did the hunt this was more up to date on which stores to skip.  I would also recommend cleaning your inventory before doing the hunt, as the prizes aren't uniformly named so could be tricky to find in a long folder list.

Happy Hunting!


14. Indigo Oddities - key has on/off rotation and colour-change
01. Filthy Things- Mesh in size 3
54. GPD
41. The Little Bat
52. Adoness
27. Brain Circuit Inc.
06. Likka House
11. Ambrosia
04. Rag Dollz - key slowly rotates and has particles that can be turned on/off
12. The Doll Emporium
30. A Netherworld
09. Squeek!
55. Weird Designs
07. Grim Bros - dress: full size and petite
31. ezura Xue - dress and unisex top
44. Lethe - female outfit and male accessories
50. Pink Sugah - shape and top
53. Orange Marmalade - clothing layers
45. Splash - makeup
49. Dead Apples - makeup
26. Distorted Dreams & Eat Paste - skins in 7 skin tones
15. Whims & Wishes
40. Epic - flutterflies float round you; each a separate object, can be worn in any combination
17. When Ra!nbows Attack! - in blue, pink and purple
25. Gothic Desires - both come with or without particles
33. Razorblade Jacket
46. Loordes of London
56. Spiked Devil
39. Dark Midday Designs
23. Dear Alice
43. Amaranthus
08. Tameless - part mesh
48. Wretched Dollies
24. The Mad Hattery
02. Blue Blood
29. Hysteria
34. Bad Kitten Stables
13. The Elegant Goth
10. :{MV}: - fountain seat
32. Dekute Dekore
35. Props and Poses - music box
47. Papillon Design - contains 5 poses
28. Dreamscapes Art Gallery
38. Sweet Nirvana
42. InSpired Designs - pose stand
18. Ms B Designs - couple poseball
36. Savoir Faire Shapes -poses

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